Bottom Painting

– Bottom Painting

It’s More Than Keeping Your Boat Looking Good

If you want to keep your boat running at peak performance, an expert bottom painting is necessary. Bottom painting helps prevent algae and marine growth from forming, which can not only be unsightly, but can also decrease performance and maneuverability, increase drag, reduce speed, and increase fuel consumption. Bottom Painting should be done every year or every other year (depending upon the paint that’s used) and at Premier Yacht Management, we offer new bottom painting, repaints, and barrier coatings that are all applied to cleaned, prepared bottoms.

Don’t let marine growth cause deterioration and corrosion to your boat. We can give your boat the protection it needs while also giving it a beautiful finished look – all while meeting the necessary environmental safety standards.

Benefits Of Bottom Painting

The Benefits Of Bottom Painting


Keep Hull

Regular bottom painting service keeps a protective barrier on your boats hull.


Decrease Fuel

Marine buildup reduces speed and raises your boats fuel expenditure.


Extend Hull

Keeps your boats hull clear from damaging marine growth.


Reduce Boat

Keep boat hull from unwanted marine algae slowing you down.

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– Bottom Painting Project Gallery

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