
– Detailing Service

Expert Care, Inside and Out

Like any nice car, a nice boat should be cared for on a regular basis with a professional detailing service. At Premier Yacht Management, we take the time to clean both your interior and exterior to give your boat a shine all the way through. We’ll remove dirt, mold, rust, and any other contaminants as well as hand wash and wax your exterior. We’ll also clean your windows, vacuum interior, and polish your metal work. After we’re all finished, your boat will look and feel like new.

Our technicians are professionals who are very familiar with the boating industry, and that means they’ll work hard to give your boat the special treatment it deserves. From large surfaces to small features, we’ve got your detailing service covered.

Benefits Of Boat Detailing

The Benefits Of Detailing Your Boat


Improve Boat

Detailing your boat improves its overall appearance from top to bottom.


Retain Boat

Maintain boat’s value over time and improving your resale value.


Protect Against

Regular boat detailing allows you to find and correct minor problems.


Free Up
Your Time

Let the experts handle it so you can get back to doing what you love most.

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